Poker is a game of cards that requires concentration. In order to play well you must study your opponents and notice their body language. Poker also teaches you to make decisions under uncertainty. This skill is valuable in other areas of life.
If cheating seems rampant, leave the table. Cheating hurts everyone, especially the house who makes money from poker games by charging a table fee or a percentage of each pot. If you feel that cheating is occurring, tell the manager. He or she may not be able to do anything about it, but you should not play at a place that tolerates cheating as it hurts paying customers.
Observe the players to see their body language and betting patterns. This can help you determine if they have a good hand or if they’re bluffing. When you do have a good hand, play it aggressively. This will force other players to fold and you’ll be able to take advantage of their weakness.
Learn the rules of the other poker variations. This will increase your knowledge of the game and make you a more valuable player at the table.