What is Gambling?


Gambling is the act of betting on something that can result in a win or a loss. It includes games of chance such as playing card or fruit machines, betting on sports events and lotteries.

People can gamble without a reason, or they can develop an addiction. This is known as pathological gambling, and it can be a disorder that causes problems for the person, their family and society.

The risk of developing gambling disorders increases with age and gender. Women tend to start gambling later in life and may have a more severe problem.

If you have a problem with gambling, there are ways to stop and prevent it. You can find support from a specialist at one of the many gambling support services across Canada.

You can also postpone your urge to gamble, and make a plan for what you will do if you feel the need to gamble again. For example, tell yourself you will wait 5 minutes or an hour before gambling again.

In some cases, you can also seek help from a counselor or other support service. These services can help you understand why you are gambling, and work with you to change your habits.

You can also take control of your money by reducing the amount you spend on gambling and closing your online betting accounts. You can also learn more about the risks of gambling and what you can do to protect yourself.